Saturday, August 29, 2015

Optimistic Technological Evolution; Pessimistic Social Decline

 Long before we were anything resembling a monkey; we were not quite rats, not quite rabbits but in ways we acted like both.

Without a concept of time, we knew nothing of “future” or “past” even in an abstract way.
We knew nothing of birth or death, save for being simple creatures fulfilling a set of compulsive desires in order to survive through it.

This set of primal behaviors became at the toll of countless ancestral relatives having been killed because they were too slow, too dumb, couldn't see or hear well enough
Or maybe they were too weak or cared too much about saving its mate; currently engaged in battle with a lion or other manner of large predator.

Killed due to physical and behavioral nuances of a biology so finite, that it would take millions of years of accumulation to measure as a “change”.
… at least most of the time.

One of the things that developed rather quickly in us was our cognition, higher brain function.
Our concepts of time
Our understanding of birth and death.
Our theoretical mind; ability to relate and guess what others might know and think fairly accurately.
Our Hypothetical Minds; Works of fiction in religion.

Language, Visual, and representative abstract forms of identity → “Art”
Then that identity evolved; From family groups like packs...
To clans...
To tribes...
To cities
To city-states
To countries
To empires.

And our technology evolved from non-verbal expression...
to spoken Language
To picture language
To phonetic language
To scrolls
To books
To Data storage containing millions of terabytes of three dimensional representations of physical reality and previously unknown secrets of the universe.

Now we have hit the crescendo; The internet is the first technology where communication is interpersonal and instant. Information spreads so fast, that its hard to contain.
But how does all this technology affect us?
Where will we go?
For better or worse; Will we rot out of existence?
Will we forget how to be alive at the cost of technology which moves us?

Pay attention to the voices – Look how they argue with each other.
This is not some horrible by-product of technologies influence. It is them learning to communicate

how to agree
How to disagree
how to connect
and how to move...
In time you will not need to worry.

Let them fight and protect all their speech; these children need to learn how to hit each other safely.